Meet The Duchess, the world’s first non-alcoholic low-sugar gin & tonic. Made with redistilled juniper berries, the The Duchess has the unique gin & tonic flavor. The taste is supplemented with aromatic layers of locally produced plant products to meet the rapidly evolving taste of today’s consumer.
In 1783, Jakob Schweppe, jeweler of Geneva, invented a revolutionary product: “Schweppe’s Soda Water”, the first sparkling water in the world. This product quickly became a huge success and led to the creation of the Schweppes brand. You might imagine that as the inventor of the bubble, the quality of it is always central. Schweppes is now available in an amazing glass designer bottle or in an elegant slim can. Be surprised by new flavors such as Agrumes and Mojito. What did you expect?
Dr. Pepper is the most unique refreshment for on the go or ice cold from the fridge. A distinctive mix of 23 flavors makes every sip of Dr. Pepper really different. Dr. Pepper is still one of the world’s favorite soft drinks and the oldest major soft drink brand in the United States. The exact date of Dr. Pepper’s idea is unknown, so we count from the moment it was first served.